about us
We’re a highly creative and supportive team, learning from each other, always open for new forms of collaboration.

Our Mission
Malin l’ghaba – meaning the neighbours of the forest. It also means the keepers of the forest, those who know about it’s value, who cherish it and aim to protect it. Because the forest is life, nature is life, and we are part of it. Harming nature equals harming ourselves. Through promoting a conscious holistic life and a strong community we welcome those who are interested in personal growth and healing.
“I believe that working to support a more harmonious relationship between people, their way of living and nature is the best thing I can do with my life. Our MALIN L'GHABA for Environment and Culture project goals were motivated by sharing this wish with friends and family. We must comprehend and respect ourselves as a part of nature, and we must accept full responsibility for our actions! Implementing this perspective into our cultural ways of expression is extremely valuable. In the light of the climatic state of the planet: Now is the time to act!”

Hicham Dghoughi
– President of Malin l’ghaba